Hubs | Rims Trade Back starts from Parallel Lines or a
Thar | Promenade.
Hubs | Rims Trade anything starts from a Line or other
applicable formations.
- Hubs Trade Back | anything:
- All Partner Trade; original Hubs (original Centers who are now Ends)
Circulate or do the anything call.
- Rims Trade Back | anything:
- All Partner Trade; original Rims (original Ends who are now Centers)
Circulate or do the anything call. If the
anything call is not an 8-dancer call, the
new Centers do the call Concentrically (i.e., working in the Center).
Hubs are Centers, Rims are Ends.
In our opinion, the Trade must involve the Ends Trading with
adjacent Centers. These calls are not valid from Columns.
Hubs | Rims Trade anything
can be done from a Line of 4. Hence from a
Line, be sure to work on each side.
Hubs | Rims Trade Back is a 2-part call.
Hubs | Rims Trade Back is the same as Hubs | Rims Trade Circulate.