Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Generalized 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. EN: 10
一般化された 1/4 Line または他の適切な formation から. JP: 10
Från en generaliserad 1/4 Line eller andra tillämpliga formationer. SE: 10
Z formace Generalized 1/4 Line a dalších vhodných formací. CZ: 10

Outsides 1/4 Right and Counter Rotate 1/4 (i.e., Little) as Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold as Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). EN: 20
Outsides は 1/4 Right をして Counter Rotate 1/4 (すなわち, Little) をし, Centers は Step And Cross Fold (Ends が Cross Fold, Centers は 1/2 Press Ahead) をします. JP: 20
Outsides 1/4 Right och Counter Rotate 1/4 (dvs., Little) medan Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold medan Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). SE: 20
Outsides 1/4 Right and Counter Rotate 1/4 (tzn. Little), Centers Step And Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold, Centers 1/2 Press Ahead). CZ: 20

A Generalized 1/4 Line ends in Parallel Lines. EN: 30
一般化された 1/4 Line からは平行な Line で終わります. JP: 30
En generaliserad 1/4 Line slutar i Parallel Lines. SE: 30
Generalized 1/4 Line končí v Parallel Lines. CZ: 30

From a Från en Z 3/4 Line から:

before före před
Interlocked Little
after efter po
From an Från en Z unusual formation 特別な formation ovanlig formation neobvyklá formace から:

before före před
Interlocked Little
after efter po

Notes: 注釈: Kommentarer: Poznámky:

Interlocked Scoot & Little [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold and Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Cross Fold. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. EN: 300
で, Outsides は指示がなければ, Scoot で使った手の方へ 1/4 向きを変えます. JP: 300
Från en 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 till handfattningen och Counter Rotate 1/4 medan Centers Step & Cross Fold. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. SE: 300
Z formace 1/4 Line. Interlocked Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 do držení a Counter Rotate 1/4, Centers Step & Cross Fold. Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines. CZ: 300

Interlocked Little More [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Line or other applicable formations. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold as Centers Extend); Center 4 Box Circulate. Same as Interlocked Little; Centers Box Circulate. EN: 301
Interlocked Little; Centers Box Circulate. JP: 301
Aus einer 1/4 Line oder anderen passenden Formationen. Die Outsides tanzen ein 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4, während die Centers ein Step & Cross Fold tanzen (Ends Cross Fold as Centers Extend); die 4 Centers tanzen ein Box Circulate. DE: 301
Från en 1/4 Line eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 medan Centers Step & Cross Fold (Ends Cross Fold medan Centers Extend); Center 4 Box Circulate. Same as Interlocked Little; Centers Box Circulate. SE: 301
Interlocked Little; Centers Box Circulate. CZ: 301

Little [C1] (Lee Kopman 1972):
From a 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 as Centers Step & Fold. A R-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Waves, a L-H 1/4 Tag ends in Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. EN: 302
1/4 Tag または他の適切な formation から. Outsides は 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4, Centers は Step & Fold. 右の 1/4 Tag からは平行な右の Wave で, 左の 1/4 Tag からは平行な右の Two-Faced Line で終わります. JP: 302
Från en 1/4 Tag eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4 medan Centers Step & Fold. En R-H 1/4 Tag slutar i Parallel R-H Waves, en L-H 1/4 Tag slutar i Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. SE: 302
Z formace 3/4 Tag a dalších vhodných formací. Outsides 1/4 Right & Counter Rotate 1/4, Centers Step & Fold. R-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel R-H Waves, L-H 3/4 Tag končí v Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines. CZ: 302 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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