An Interlocked Parallelogram is a Distorted 2 x 2 that can be formed from a normal
2 x 2 after two non-adjacent dancers move a distance of one matrix position
directly away from a line bisecting the 2 x 2.
From a 2 x 4, there are two Interlocked Parallelograms.
Interlocked Parallelogram Formation: (also known as Staggered Box) |
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| From here... | | imagine you are here... | | or here. |
Calls must end on original Interlocked Parallelogram footprints. Shape-changing
calls are not allowed.
Interlocked Parallelogram Walk & Dodge:
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| vor Interlocked Parallelogram Walk & Dodge | | nach
Interlocked Parallelograms can also occur within other formations: