From applicable 2-(or more) dancer formations.
All (or designated dancers) do a diagonal Pass Thru, to end in the other
dancer's starting position and face opposite to the other dancer's original
facing direction.
Jaywalk is a 2-dancer call.
A Jaywalk can be a Pass Thru, Diagonal Pass Thru, or you can
turn up to 90° (as in a Facing Diamond Circulate).
Always pass Right shoulders. This is important since the caller could
call 1/2 Jaywalk.
Take the original opposite facing direction of the dancer who
was originally occupying your ending spot.
Before moving, point at the dancer with whom you are to Jaywalk.
This ensures that the other dancer realizes that they are working with you.
If you are diagonally facing more than one dancer, Jaywalk with
the closest dancer on your half of the formation.
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| Jaywalk の前 | | 後 |
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| Jaywalk の前 | | 後 |
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| Jaywalk の前 | | 後 |
Jay Concept [C3A]:
From a general 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Work in a
Distorted Box with the dancers with whom you would normally Jaywalk.
| work with these dancers in a Distorted Box |
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| Jay Wheel Thru の前 | | 後 |
次も見てください Jay Concept [C3A].