Centers (or designated dancers) slide sideways toward the
Outsides (or non-designated dancers) who move into the vacated space.
To avoid collisions, the Centers (or designated dancers) may
have to temporarily move forward or backward to move around
the other dancers.
Nobody changes their facing direction during a Lateral Substitute.
The difference between Substitute [C1] and Lateral Substitute
is the facing direction of the Centers (or designated dancers).
On a Substitute, these dancers move forward or backward;
On a Lateral Substitute, at least one of these dancers moves sideways.
Substitute [C1]:
From Generalized Columns.
Centers raise joined hands to make an arch and (moving toward the nearest
Outsides) move forward or backward as the Outsides move into the Center.
The traffic pattern has the Centers moving around the Outsides.
Substitute exchanges the
Centers with the Outsides. Nobody changes their facing direction during this
call, and, in practice, dancers rarely make the arch. From Tandem Couples,
Lead Couple arch & back up as Trailing Couple Steps Ahead (Circulate).