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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Linear Cycle [Plus]
   (Dave Hodson und Lee Kopman 1979)

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From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. EN: 10
Aus einer Wave oder passenden Line of 4. DE: 10

  1. Hinge;
  2. Leaders Fold behind Trailers (who do not adjust); EN: 20
    die Leaders tanzen ein Fold hinter die Trailers (die sich dabei nicht ausrichten); DE: 20
  3. Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; EN: 30
    danach tanze ein Any Shoulder Double Pass Thru; DE: 30
  4. Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass. EN: 40
    dann tanze ein Peel Off in die Richtung der Schulter, mit welcher Du gerade passiert hast. DE: 40

Ends in Facing Couples. This is a 4-part call. EN: 50
Endet in Facing Couples. Dies ist ein 4-teiliger Call. DE: 50

Aus einer R-H Wave:

Linear Cycle
Leaders Fold
Double Pass Thru
To The Right
Peel Off
Note dancers are offset in the 3rd and 4th diagrams. EN: 60
Aus einer L-H Wave:

Linear Cycle
Leaders Fold
Double Pass Thru
To The Left
Peel Off
Note dancers are offset in the 3rd and 4th diagrams. EN: 60

  • Mantra: Hinge, Fold, Follow, Peel. EN: 70
  • Any Shoulder means to pass the most convenient shoulder. EN: 80

  • Peel Off in direction of Shoulder Pass: EN: 90

    • If passing Left-Shoulders, Peel Left (as one movement, Leaders flip to the left (180°) and step forward as Trailers Left-face U-Turn Back to end as a couple); EN: 92
    • If passing Right-Shoulders, Peel Right (as one movement, Leaders flip to the right (180°) and step forward as Trailers Right-face U-Turn Back to end as a couple). EN: 94
  • Although Linear Cycle is a no-hands movement after the initial Hinge, you may encounter dancers who try to hold onto your hand throughout the movement. EN: 100
  • From a Wave, Linear Cycle is choreographically equivalent (and almost identical in flow) to Recycle & Sweep 1/4EN: 110
  • Historically, Linear Cycle was a 3-part call: EN: 120
    1. Hinge;
    2. Vertical Tag The Line
      (or Vertical Left Tag The Line) without adjusting to the center line; EN: 130
    3. Peel Off in direction of shoulder pass. EN: 140

Aus einer One-Faced Line:

Linear Cycle
Leaders Fold
Double Pass Thru
To The Right
Peel Off
Note: Linear Cycle from other than a Wave is not appropriate at Plus, since the Hinge is a Partner Hinge (an A1 call).

Partner Hinge [A1]:
From a Mini-Wave or Couple. Do 1/2 of a Trade. Ends in a Mini-Wave. From a Mini-Wave, Partner Hinge is an Arm Turn 1/4; from a Couple, Partner Hinge is 1/2 of a Partner Trade (as one movement, Face each other and Step to a Right-hand Mini-Wave). The word 'Partner' is optional: the word 'Hinge' is sufficient to describe this movement. Usually, however, the caller uses the term 'Partner Hinge' from a Couple, and 'Single Hinge' from a Mini-Wave. EN: 98
Nur aus einer Mini-Wave oder einem Couple. Mache die Hälfte von einem Trade. Endet in einer Mini-Wave. Aus einer Mini-Wave, Partner Hinge ist einen Arm Turn 1/4. Das Wort 'Partner' ist optional, weil 'Hinge' das Bewegungsschema ausreichend beschreibt. Die Caller benutzen normalerweise die Bezeichnung 'Partner Hinge' aus einem Couple, und 'Single Hinge' aus einer Mini-Wave. DE: 98

Linear Action [C1] (Lee Kopman 1982):
From a Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations. Centers Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2 as Outsides Hinge & Trade; those who meet (Center 4) Cast Off 3/4 as the Others move up (as in Chain Reaction). Ends in Parallel Waves, Parallel 3 & 1 Lines, or a Parallelogram (if outside dancers end on the same spot). EN: 560
Aus einer Generalized 1/4 Tag oder anderen passenden Formationen. Die Centers tanzen ein Hinge & Box Circulate 1 & 1/2, während die Outsides ein Hinge & Trade tanzen; diejenigen, welche sich treffen (die 4 Centers) tanzen ein Cast Off 3/4, während die Anderen aufschließen (wie in Chain Reaction). Endet in parallelen Waves, parallelen 3 & 1 Lines, oder in einem Parallelogramm (falls die Outside Tänzer auf demselben Platz enden). DE: 560

Linear (fraction) Tag [C4]:
From a Wave or applicable Line of 4. Hinge; Leaders Fold; Extend to the given fractional Tag position. If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line. EN: 590

Linear Flow [C4]:
From Parallel Waves or applicable Lines. Linear 1/2 Tag (Hinge; Leaders Fold, Extend to Parallel Waves); Split Circulate Twice; Centers Trade. Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 589

CALLERLAB definition for Linear Cycle

Choreography for Linear Cycle

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13-March-2025 12:17:01
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