According to the
CALLERLAB definitions,
Little [C1],
Little More [C2],
Plenty [C1]
can also be called from
Twin Diamonds in which case the outsides omit the 1/4 Right.
This usage seems to be dropping out of favor since nowadays
there are several callers who always want the outsides to 1/4 Right.
We believe that dancers should have a single
consistent definition to follow, hence we believe the outsides
should always 1/4 Right. When callers wish to use one of
these calls from Diamonds omitting the 1/4 Right, they
should say 'Outsides go As You Are: all
Little | Little More | Plenty'.
EN: 70 Podle definice od
CALLERLAB mohou být figury
Little [C1],
Little More [C2],
Plenty [C1]
callerovány také z formace Twin Diamonds, kdy outsides vynechávají 1/4 Right.
Toto použití ale zastarává, protože dnes existuje několik callerů, kteří po Outsides chtějí vždy provést 1/4 Right.
Věříme, že tanečníci by měli mít jednoduchou a konzistentní definici, proto věříme, že outsides by měli provést 1/4 Right vždy. Pokud chtějí calleři použít jednu z uvedených figur z Diamonds a vynechat 1/4 Right, pak by měli říct 'Outsides go As You Are: all
Little | Little More | Plenty'.
CZ: 70