When doing the Mirror version of a call in which two dancers end on the same spot (such as an odd Tally-Ho) step to Left hands instead of Right hands! The Mirror CONCEPT is more binding than the Right-hand same-spot rule.
Note: The words Left and Reverse have traditionally been used to indicate Mirror (e.g., Left Swing Thru, Reverse Flutter Wheel) but their usage is inconsistent. Dancers may not know what is intended when something like 'Left Circle By' is called. Should one Circle Left the first given fraction then Left Touch the next given fraction? Or, since you are normally moving to the Left on a Circle By, should one Circle Right the first fraction? Reverse can also mean 'In Reverse Order', 'Rewind', or have other meanings ('Reverse Stack The Line': original Trailers instead of Leaders go across to right hands!). If we only had the choice of using Left or Reverse, what would the Mirror version of Shake & Rattle be called? The Mirror version of Shakedown is called Left Shakedown and the Mirror version of Reverse Split Swap is called Split Swap! The Mirror CONCEPT resolves these ambiguities.
Hint: If you can imagine dancing in a mirrored room and executing a call normally, your reflection would be dancing the Mirror version of that call.
Common misconceptions: A Mirror Pass The Ocean is not a Pass The Sea. A Mirror Pass The Ocean involves a Left-shoulder Pass Thru, whereas a Pass The Sea involves a Right-shoulder Pass Thru.
Note: For many calls, the Mirror version of the call is the same as the call itself. For example, a Mirror Scoot Back is a Scoot Back (since the definition of Scoot Back does not involve Beaus|Belles or Left|Right); Similarly, when starting from a Wave, a Mirror Spin The Top is the same as Spin The Top.
Mirror Circle By fraction By fraction | anything [C3A]: Aus Facing Couples. Circle Right die erste gegebene fraction und Step To A L-H Wave; Arm Turn die zweite gegebene fraction oder tanze den anything Call. Diese Figur ist historisch auch als Reverse Circle By bekannt.
Mirror Recycle [C3A]: From Facing Couples. Belles Extend and Left-Face U-Turn Back as Beaus Dodge into the Belle's original starting position and Veer Right. Ends in a L-H Wave. Historically known as Reverse Recycle.