Divide the overall formation along its long axis into planes of dancers
(e.g., a 1 x 8 has eight planes; a 2 x 4 has four planes). Dancers
occupying every other plane work together to do the given call. At the end of
the given call, the dancers in one set of planes must end within their
original set of planes.
| |
| From a 2 x 4, the Once Removed dancers are in a 2 x 2 | | From a 1 x 8, the Once Removed dancers are in a 1 x 4 | |
| |
| From here, the Once Removed dancers are in a Diamond (or Single 1/4 Tag) | | From here, the Once Removed dancers
are in a Diamond (or Single 1/4 Tag), whereas
the Once Removed dancers are in a 2 x 2 |
At C2, Once Removed is primarily limited to doing simple
(i.e., non-shape-changing) calls from a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 4.
From a 2 x 2, the dancers work in a manner similar to working in
(Interlocked) Blocks [C1].
for a list of non-shape-changing calls from a 2 x 2.
Once Removed Touch 1/4:
| |
| before Once Removed Touch 1/4 | | after
Sample traffic patterns:
- Once Removed Right & Left Thru
- From (starting) Double Pass Thru. Centers Pass Thru; all Right
Pull By; New Centers Pass Thru; all Courtesy Turn.
- From Facing Lines. All Right Pull By; Centers Half Sashay;
all Courtesy Turn; Centers Half Sashay.
More sample traffic patterns:
- Once Removed Square Thru
- This is done as if in Blocks [C1]. I.e., do each Pull By
with the appropriate dancer (go to their spot) and then Face In.
- From Facing Lines. Right Pull By; Face In; Centers (Left-shoulder)
Pass Thru; all Left Pull By & new Centers (Left-shoulder) Pass
Thru; all Face In; Right Pull By; Face In; Centers (Left-shoulder)
Pass Thru, all Left Pull By & new Centers (Left-shoulder) Pass
Thru. Ends in Completed Double Pass Thru.
- From Double Pass Thru: Centers Pass Thru; all Right Pull By; Centers
Pass Thru; all Face In; Left Pull By Face In; Centers Pass Thru;
all Right Pull By; Centers Pass Thru; all Face In; Left Pull By.
Ends in Back-to-Back Lines.
- Once Removed Square Chain Thru
- Since
Square Chain Thru [A1]
is an intricate call,
start the call Once Removed, finish the call on
each side, and then have the new Centers move to the other side.
- From Facing Lines. Right Pull By; Face In & Centers Pass Thru;
all Left Swing Thru; Left Turn Thru; Centers Pass Thru. Ends in
Completed Double Pass Thru.
- From Double Pass Thru. Centers Pass Thru; all Square Chain Thru;
Centers Half Sashay. Ends in Back-to-Back Lines.
Immediately after hearing the words 'Once Removed',
determine the wall toward which your Once Removed setup is closest,
and make a visual note of which dancers are in your Once Removed
setup so that if the call is a shape-changer you will know who should
belong in the resulting Once Removed setup.
CONTRAST THE FOLLOWING (don't panic...this usage is only done at C3 or above.)
| This is the starting formation for each of the following: | |
| |
| after As Couples Once Removed Hinge | | after Once Removed As Couples Hinge |
In the first example, As Couples precedes Once Removed, hence you
must first establish who is Couples with whom
act as one dancer;
act as one dancer, etc.) and then work Once Removed (hence

is working with

In the second example, Once Removed precedes As Couples, hence you
must first establish who is in your Once Removed setup
, and
are in one setup;
, and
are in the other)
and then work As Couples (hence

is a Couple working with Couple

See also