Outside 4 dancers do their part of the first
anything call as the
Center 4 dancers do their part of the second
anything call.
This is the same as
Own The Outsides anything By anything.
On Your Own was the original call but was dropped in favor
Own The anyone since the latter is more generalized and
the caller can explicitly name those doing the first
anything call.
EN: 275 Outsides の 4 人は, 始めの
anything call の自分のパートを行い, centers の 4 人は, 2 番目の
anything call の自分のパートを行います.
Own The Outsides anything By anything と同じです.
On Your Own がオリジナルのコールでしたが,
Own The anyone のために落ちました.
後から出てきたものの方がより一般化されており, コーラーが始めの
anything call を行う人を明示的に指示できるからです.
JP: 275