指示された人は, 始めの anything call の自分のパートを行い, 他の人は, 2 番目の anything call の自分のパートを行います.
注釈: Center にいるときに anything call が 4 人で行うものだったら, もっとも近い Outsides と動きます.Center で動くのではありません!
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Note: If necessary, take into account the facing direction of dancers not
in your group. For example, on a call such as Vertical, you may need
to know the facing direction of the adjacent dancer. Below is an example
where both sets of dancers must take into account the facing direction of the
other dancers.
Own The Girls Explode The Line By Vertical 1/2 Tag
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Note: It is also possible to do Own The {anyone} {anything} By {anything}
when the overall formation required to do the given call doesn't exist, but
your part of the formation does. See example below, where the Outsides do not
have a Tidal Wave, and the Centers do not have an Eight Chain Thru, but both
sets of dancers can do their part of their call.
Own The Outsides Linear Cycle By Pass The Ocean
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On Your Own anything By anything [obsolete] (Lee Kopman 1986):
Outsides の 4 人は, 始めの anything call の自分のパートを行い, centers の 4 人は, 2 番目の anything call の自分のパートを行います.
これは, Own The Outsides anything By anything と同じです.
On Your Own がオリジナルのコールでしたが,
Own The anyone のために落ちました.
後から出てきたものの方がより一般化されており, コーラーが始めの anything call を行う人を明示的に指示できるからです.