Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From a Couple or Mini-Wave.

Hinge; designated dancers U-Turn Back in flow direction (Roll twice).

Ends in a Couple or Mini-Wave. This is a 2-part call.

Note: Determine who are the designated dancers before doing the Hinge, not after. For example, from a Couple: Patch The Beaus is a Partner Hinge (now both dancers are Beaus) followed by original Beau U-Turn Back. Similarly, from Parallel Lines: Patch The Ends refers to the original Ends, not those who become Ends after the Hinge.

Patch The Belles
original Belles Roll twice
Patch The Centers
original Centers Roll twice
Patch The Leaders
original Leaders Roll twice

anything Like A Patch The anyone [C3AV]: Do the anything call; designated dancers U-Turn Back. In this case, the caller must make sure that the designated dancers are unambiguous (e.g., Girls, Head Men, etc...). Otherwise, the dancers do not know who is to do the U-Turn Back (e.g., In Roll Circulate Like A Patch The Centers: do the original Centers or the resulting Centers do the U-Turn Back?). -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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