The idea for the Phantom CONCEPT is to overlap two sets
of Parallel Columns | Lines | Waves at 90°
to each other, filling in the blank spots with "ghost dancers."
Do the given call working with imaginary dancers (i.e., Phantoms). Assume that
the Phantoms are in whatever position, have whatever facing direction, and are
of whatever sex is necessary in order to execute the given call. The call is
then danced with both the dancers and the Phantoms participating. Keep track
of the Phantoms that you are working with and reserve space for them at the
completion of the call.
 From this formation... |
In the above diagrams, the
dancers and their Phantoms work independently of the
dancers and their Phantoms.
| |
| |
| These are all of the phantom spots. | | Sometimes you need to envision this formation... | | and other times you need to envision this formation. |
Typical calls done Phantom at C1:
Phantoms can also be used from other formations:
| |
| before Centers Phantom Touch 1/4 | | after
| |
| before Phantom Double Pass Thru | | after