From Facing Lines or other applicable formations.
Centers Touch 1/4,
Cross Concentric
Vertical Tag The Line,
Leaders Peel Left, Trailers Peel Right to end as a Couple (as in
Sets In Motion)
as the Outsides Circulate once and a half, Hinge,
Cross Concentric Vertical 1/2 Tag, and Face In.
Facing Lines ends in a Double Pass Thru.
When Plan Ahead is done from formations other than Facing Lines
(e.g., Inverted Lines with the Ends Facing Out):
the Ends must be careful to Circulate 1 & 1/2 before the Hinge.
There is a tendency for the Ends to Hinge with the first dancer they meet.
We have recently learned that there are callers who believe that the
first part for the Centers is a 1/2 Circulate and Hinge (instead of
Touch 1/4). This can lead to several other possible starting