1/4 In: | ||||||||||||||||||||
1/4 Out: | ||||||||||||||||||||
If you are directly facing toward or away from the center of the set,
you can not do a
In general, 1/4 In (or Out) means to turn 1/4 toward (or away from) the center of the smallest sub-formation in which you have a center point. Each dancer individually determines this center point. To determine your center point, divide (bisect) the overall formation into equal-sized sub-formations until you obtain the smallest possible sub-formation from which you can identify a center point for all dancers within that formation.
If the 8-dancer formation can not be bisected in the aforementioned manner, work relative to the center of the set.
Although 1/4 In | Out is primarily defined from a Couple or Mini-Wave, 1/4 In | Out can be done from any formation for which active dancers can find a reference point.
From the above starting formation, 1/4 In | Out presents a dilemma. For 2-dancer calls such as Partner Trade, Partner Tag or Single Wheel, dancers normally work with the other dancer with whom they are coupled. Yet, rule #3 above for 1/4 In | Out tells us that the Centers work on each side instead of with the adjacent Center. This is because 1/4 In | Out is not really a 2-dancer call as one might suppose -- it is a 1-dancer call with a reference point!
Any individual dancer can 1/4 In | Out if they have a reference point. Find the reference point and then turn 1/4 toward or away from it. Since such a distinction is somewhat esoteric, we advise callers to avoid this situation (unless you like to workshop esoteric instances of calls) by explicitly stating what you want. For example, you could say (Working on) each side, 1/4 In | Out, or Centers 1/4 Out followed by Ends 1/4 In. Or, you can use terms such as Face In and Face Out, for which the reference point is the center of the set.
Face In | Out [BV]: Individually turn 1/4 in place toward (Face In) or away from (Face Out) the center of the set.
1/4 Right | Left [Basic]: Turn 90° in place toward the Right | Left. Also known as Face Right | Left.
3/4 In | Out [NOL]:
From a Couple or Mini-Wave.
Turn 270° in place towards (In) or away from (Out)
the adjacent dancer.
3/4 In ends in Back-to-Back Dancers;
3/4 Out ends in Facing Dancers.
In practice, these calls are rarely called, but are sometimes used as part
of call definitions.