From Generalized 1/4 Tag or other applicable formations.
Step & Fold,
Peel & Trail
as Outsides 1/4 Right,
Counter Rotate 1/4,
and Inward (Right or Left) Roll To A Wave.
A Generalized 1/4 Tag ends in a Tidal Line.
This is a 2-part call for the Centers.
Scoot & Rally [C3A]:
From a 1/4 Tag.
Scoot Back; Outsides 1/4 to the handhold, Counter Rotate 1/4 and
(Leaders) Inward (Right or Left) Roll To A Wave as
Centers Step & Fold and Peel & Trail.
Ends in a Tidal Wave.
Rally is a Little [C1]
followed by Centers Peel & Trail as Outsides Inward Roll To a Wave.
Historically, callers have called Rally from Twin Diamonds (expecting the
Outsides to 'go As You Are'). It is our opinion that when Rally is called from
Diamonds, the caller should explicitly say something like 'Outsides go As You
Are' or 'Centers Start A' so that the outsides do not start with a
1/4 Right.
Rally But anything [C3A]:
Centers Replace
the Peel & Trail with the anything call.
Siehe auch Interlocked Rally [C3B].