Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From applicable formations.

Center 4 do the first anything call and the resulting Ends (of that Center 4) move away from the Center of the Set without changing their facing direction (i.e., Stable). The Others (original Outsides) work around the Very Centers to do the second anything call, ending as close as possible to the positions vacated by the resulting Ends of the Center 4.

Reverse Checkpoint Recycle By Touch 1/4:

Reverse Checkpoint
Recycle By Touch 1/4
Centers Recycle and
the resulting Ends slide away from the center
original Outsides work around
the Very Centers to do a Touch 1/4
Reverse Checkpoint 1/4 Thru By Follow Thru:

Reverse Checkpoint
1/4 Thru By Follow Thru
Centers 1/4 Thru and
the resulting Ends slide away from the center
original Outsides work around
the Very Centers to do a Follow Thru

Dancing Hint: The original Outsides should usually delay moving until the Centers have almost completed the first anything call, so that sufficient space is available for the Outsides to execute the second anything call.

Note: The original Center 4 become the Very Centers and Very Outsides of the final ending formation.

Checkpoint anything By anything [C2] (Lee Kopman 1982): Z formace 1 x 8, Point-to-Point Diamonds, nebo jin�ch vhodn�ch formac�, ve kter�ch lze na ka�d� straně čtverylky identifikovat Centers. Centers z ka�d� strany čtverylky pracuj� spolu "concentrically" kolem Very Centers a provedou prvn� anything figuru (a pokud mo�no skonč� tak, aby otočili dlouhou osu v�choz� formace); Zbyl� venkovn� (2 nebo 4 dancers) se posunou ke středu (beze změny směru pohledu) a s původn�mi Very Centers provedou druhou figuru anything. Checkpoint anything By anything [C2] -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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