Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Galaxy.

Reverse Cut The Galaxy:
Centers Trade & Spread as the Outsides Galaxy Circulate.

Reverse Flip The Galaxy:
Centers Phantom Run (flip away from each other) as the Outsides Galaxy Circulate.

Ends in Parallel Lines.

Reverse Cut The Galaxy
 Centers Trade & Spread
同时 Outsides Galaxy Circulate
Reverse Flip The Galaxy
 Centers Flip Away
同时 Outsides Galaxy Circulate

Reverse Cut The Diamond [C2]: From a Diamond. Centers Trade & Spread as Points Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Line.

Reverse Flip The Diamond [C2]: From a Diamond. Centers Phantom Run (Flip away from each other) as Points Diamond Circulate. Ends in a Line.

Reverse Cut The formation [C4]: From the given formation. Those with handholds Trade and Spread as others formation Circulate. Formation can be "O", Butterfly, (Wave-Based) Triangle, 3 By 1 Triangle, Short Six, Tall Six, "Z", etc...

Reverse Flip The formation [C4]: From the given formation. Those with handholds Phantom Run as others formation Circulate. Formation can be "O", Butterfly, (Wave-Based) Triangle, 3 By 1 Triangle, Short Six, Tall Six, "Z", etc...

参见 Cut | Flip The Galaxy [C1]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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