Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Wave or Inverted Line. EN: 10
Z formace Wave a Inverted Line. CZ: 10

As one movement, Step Thru and 1/4 Out. EN: 20
Jako jeden pohyb Step Thru and 1/4 Out. CZ: 20

Ends in Back-to-Back Couples. EN: 30
Končí v Back-to-Back Couples. CZ: 30

Reverse Explode
Step Thru
1/4 Out

Note: From a Tidal Line | Wave, be sure to work on each side, ending in a Trade By formation. EN: 40
Poznámka: Z formací Tidal Line | Wave pracujte na každé straně a skončete v Trade By formaci. CZ: 40

Reverse Explode [from a Line] [C4]:
From any Line of 4. As one movement, Ends Step Ahead and 1/4 Out as Centers 1/4 Out and Step Ahead. Adjust as necessary to end in Back-to-Back Couples. Reverse Explode [from a Line] was voted off the C1 list several years ago, and is rarely used at any level any more. EN: 131
Z libovolné Line of 4. Jako jeden pohyb Ends Step Ahead and 1/4 Out, Centers 1/4 Out and Step Ahead. Zarovnejte se dle potřeby a skončete v Back-to-Back Couples. Figura Reverse Explode [z formace Line] byla před několika lety hlasováním vyřazena z C1 a už není používána na žádném levelu. CZ: 131

Reverse Explode

Explode And anything [Plus,A1]:
  • From a Wave or Inverted Line [Plus]. As one movement, Step Thru & 1/4 In. Ends in Facing Couples.
  • From a Generalized Line [A1]. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead. Adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.
 EN: 127
  • Z formace Wave nebo Inverted Line [Plus]. Jako jeden pohyb Step Thru & 1/4 In. Končí ve Facing Couples.
  • Z obecné Line [A1]. Jako jeden pohyb Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In, Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead. Zarovnejte se dle potřeby a skončete ve Facing Couples.
 CZ: 127

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