Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

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From formations where you can (face your partner if necessary and) shake right-hands, and where Boys are generally facing counter-clockwise and Girls are facing clockwise.

Right And Left Grand is like climbing a ladder.

  1. Give a right pull by with your Partner,
  2. then a left pull by with the next,
  3. then a right pull by with the next (your Opposite),
  4. then a left pull by with the next (your Corner).
Ends facing your Partner on the other side of the square.

A total of 4 hands (right, left, right, left).

Also known as Grand Right And Left.

Baby Grand: 1/2 of a Right And Left Grand.

Wrong Way Grand:

Arky Grand:

On the Nth Hand -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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