Some callers insert the word 'Leads' (or 'Leaders') before calling
Right | Left Roll To A Wave when
they actually want everyone to do the call. This terminology is
confusing because both the Leaders and the Trailers have an
active part in the call. Also, this terminology is ambiguous from
formations in which the Leaders are Back-to-Back,
and the Trailers are Facing (e.g., Parallel Inverted Lines):
Does everyone do the call, or just the Leaders?
Our advice to callers is to avoid using the word 'Leads' (or 'Leaders')
unless only those dancers are to do the call.
EN: 90 有些口令员在喊
Right | Left Roll To A Wave 时前面加上 'Leads' (或 'Leaders'),
而此时他们的实际意思还是让所有人都做这个口令. 这个喊法容易使人困惑, 因为不论 Leaders 还是 Trailers 在这个口令里都要做动作. 同时,在一些 Leaders 站成背对背而 Trailers 站成面对面的队形下(例如, Parallel Inverted Lines), 这个喊法也是意思模糊
的: 是所有人都做这个口令, 还是只 Leaders 做? 我们的建议是口令员应避免加这个词 'Leads' (或 'Leaders'), 除非只是要让 Leaders做这个口令.
CH: 90