From a Line or Alamo Ring.
Designated dancers, working toward the Center of the Line, successively
do a Partner Trade with each dancer until reaching the far end of the
Line. Ripple n means to Trade with a total of n dancers.
n can include a fraction (e.g., Ripple 2 & 1/2 means to Partner Trade
with 2 successive dancers and then 1/2 Partner Trade with the third dancer).
When Ripple is called from a 1 x 8 Line, work on each side
unless otherwise specified. Note however that a call such as
Very Ends Ripple {n} where n is greater than
3 forces the designated dancers to cross the Very Center and
work with dancers from the other side.
The caller can specify the direction toward which the designated dancers
are to begin (e.g., Head Lady Right Ripple 2). From an Alamo Ring,
the direction must always be specified.
If no direction is specified, the designated dancers do the first
Trade moving toward the Center of the Line.
There may be more than one designated dancer. For example, from a
Wave, the call could be Ends Ripple 2.
Rolling Ripple n By n (By n) [C4] (Lee Kopman 1984):
From a Line or Alamo Ring.
Designated dancer Ripple the first given number;
new dancer occupying designated dancer's original starting position Ripple
the next given number; repeat part 2 for each additional given number.
See also anything Like A Ripple CONCEPT [C2].