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From any formation.
If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call,
then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction.If you had turning motion on your last part of the previous call,
then turn an extra 1/4 (90°) in place toward that direction.
Often the caller may add a helper phrase such as "to face"
(e.g., "Roll to face") as a cue to tell dancers which way
to turn.
Be careful. Only turn 1/4 if, on your last part of the previous call,
you had a turning direction. If you were moving forward
(e.g., Pass Thru, or Extend), sideways (e.g., Dodge), or
backing up, without changing your facing direction, you can
not Roll.
Turn 1/4 in place. Do not move from your spot.
Roll requires you to better learn your square dance
call definitions, since you need to know who can Roll
after specific calls.
Diagram TOUCH 1/4, RIGHT & LEFT THRU, BOX CIRCULATE, and others?
Explain why everybody can roll on calls such as Swing Thru.
Some calls (Plus and below) to which Roll can be applied:
Call | Starting formation | Ending formation |
Ending formation after Roll | Comments |
Touch 1/4 | Facing Dancers | R-H Mini-Wave | Facing Dancers | commonly used |
(anyone) Cross Fold
(anyone) Cross Run
(anyone) Fold
(anyone) Run
Acey Deucey
All 8 Spin The Top
Around (n) Come Into The Middle
Around (n) To A Line
Bend The Line
Box Circulate
Box The Gnat
California Twirl
Cast Off (fract)
Chain Down The Line
Chase (Right|Left)
Circle (Left|Right)
Circle To A Line
Couples Circulate
Couples Hinge
Couples Trade
Courtesy Turn
Cross Fire
Cut The Diamond
Diamond Circulate
Dive Thru
Dixie Style (To An Ocean Wave)
Eight Chain (Thru|n)
Explode (from a Wave)
Explode The Wave
Fan The Top
Ferris Wheel
Flip The Diamond
Flutter Wheel
Follow Your Neighbor
Grand Square
Grand Swing Thru
Ladies Chain (fract)
Lead (Right|Left)
Left Swing Thru
Linear Cycle
Load The Boat
Partner Hinge
Pass To The Center
Peel Off
Peel The Top
Ping Pong Circulate
Recycle (from a Wave)
Relay The Deucey
Reverse Flutter Wheel
Right & Left Thru
Rollaway (With A Half Sashay)
Scoot Back
Single Hinge
Slide Thru
Spin Chain The Gears
Spin Chain Thru
Spin The Top
Split Circulate
Square Thru (n)
Star Thru
Sweep (fract)
Swing Thru
Touch 1/4
Track 2
Trade By
Trade The Wave
U-Turn Back
Wheel & Deal
Wheel Around
Make a list of calls in which some dancers can Roll, and others can not.
Nobody can roll after the following calls, since there is no turning direction
at all during the call, or there is no turning direction at the end of the
call (e.g., Pass The Ocean):
- 1/2 Tag
- 3/4 Tag
- Balance
- Centers In
- Dosado
- Double Pass Thru
- Extend
- Forward & Back
- Half Sashay
- Pass Thru
- Pass The Ocean
- Pull By
- Single Circle To A Wave
- Spread
- Step Thru
- Step To A Wave
- Tag The Line
- Turn Thru
- Veer Right|Left
- Walk & Dodge