Break up the anything call into its component parts. Do the
anything call normally until the given part; then do the given part
applying the given CONCEPT then do the remaining parts of the
anything call normally.
Only apply the given CONCEPT to the given part. I.e.,
- Secondly: only apply the concept to the second part.
- Thirdly: only apply the concept to the third part.
- Fourthly: only apply the concept to the fourth part.
Also possible, but rarely used: Fifthly, Sixthly, Seventhly
(e.g., Seventhly Twisted Eight Chain Thru).
There are very few calls that have more than 4 parts.
Do the call but when you reach the given part, re-evaluate and apply the given
CONCEPT to the given part, then re-evaluate your position in the resulting
formation and do the remainder of the call.
Secondly | Thirdly | Fourthly are Meta Concepts.
A Meta Concept applies to another concept, not a call.
The caller can not say Secondly anything where anything is just a call.
The caller must give a concept after the word Secondly.
Sometimes, the given concept may not "feel" like a concept. E.g.,
Secondly Boys, or Thirdly Twice. For the purposes of Secondly|Thirdly|Fourthly,
anything that modifies the call is considered a concept. This includes identifiers
(e.g., Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers, Leaders, Trailers, Beaus, Belles, Heads, Sides);
formations (e.g., Triple Box); numerics (e.g., twice, 1 & 1/2, 2/3); and other
modifiers (e.g., Transfer And, Tally Ho But).
It is important to re-evaluate your position both before and immediately after
the given part as, depending upon the given concept, you may unexpectedly be
working with different dancers or in a different formation.
| før Secondly Tandem Reset | |
| |
| |
| |
| efter 1/2 Zoom (1/4) | | efter Tandem Hinge (1/2) | | efter 1/2 Zoom (3/4) | | efter Hinge (færdig) |
| før Thirdly Tandem Reset | |
| |
| efter 1/2 Zoom (1/4) | | efter Hinge (1/2) | |
| |
| efter Tandem 1/2 Zoom (3/4) | | efter Hinge (færdig) |
| |
| |
| før Fourthly Tandem Swing The Fractions | | efter Right Arm Turn 1/4 (1/5) | | efter Left Arm Turn 1/2 (2/5) | |
| |
| |
| efter Right Arm Turn 3/4 (3/5) | | efter Tandem Left Arm Turn 1/2 (4/5) | | efter Right Arm Turn 1/4 (færdig) |
Initially Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the first part of the anything call applying the given CONCEPT;
then do the remainder of the anything call without the given CONCEPT.
Finally Concept [C3A] (Vic Ceder 1994):
Do the entire anything call applying the given CONCEPT only
to the last part of the anything call.
Oddly Concept [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the odd-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the even-numbered parts normally.
Evenly CONCEPT [C3B] (Vic Ceder):
Do the even-numbered parts applying any CONCEPT and the odd-numbered parts normally.
Initially | Secondly | etc Use A(n) anything1 For A(n) anything2 [C4]:
Replace the given part of the anything2 call with the anything1 call.
E.g., from R-H Columns: Thirdly Use An Ah So for a Swing The Fractions: all
Right Arm Turn 1/4; those who can left Arm Turn 1/2; everybody Ah So; those who
can Left Arm Turn 1/2; all Right Arm Turn 1/4.
See also Appendix C: Calls with Parts