Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Parallel Lines and other applicable formations.

Centers Hinge, Very Center Two Trade, and all 4 Centers Roll as Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2; any Outsides which line up with the resulting Center Column Face In; those in the Center Column (usually 6, but sometimes 4 or 8 dancers) start a 'Grand' Pass Thru until the original Center 4 have cleared the Center and any Trailing dancers have a compact R-H setup; original Center 4 have the first dancer Left Peel Off as second dancer Right Peel Off and adjust as necessary to end as a Couple (Zag-Zig & Explode).

Usually ends in a R-H 1/4 Line or a L-H 1/4 Tag.

Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines から:

Sets In Motion
 Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2
as Centers Hinge, Very Centers Trade
and Line of 6 Face In
Column of 6 start a 'Grand' Pass Thru,
First Peel Left, Next Peel Right
and last dancers stop in the center
Parallel 3 & 1 Lines から:

Sets In Motion
Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2 (to R-H)
as Centers Hinge, Very Centers Trade
and Line of 8 Face In
Column of 8 start a 'Grand' Pass Thru,
First Peel Left, Next Peel Right
and last dancers stop in the center
特別な setup から:

Sets In Motion
Outsides Circulate 1 & 1/2 (to R-H)
as Centers Hinge, Very Centers Trade
and Line of 4 Face In
Column of 4 Double Pass Thru,
First Peel Left, Next Peel Right


Single Hinge & Trade [C4]: From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Centers Trade; all Roll. Ends in a 1 x 4 Column.

Single Hinge & Trade
 Centers Trade
  all Roll

Sets In Motion Plus n [C4]: From Parallel Lines and other applicable formations. Sets In Motion but the Trailing n (1 or 2) dancers complete the 'Grand' Pass Thru, first Peel Left, next Peel Right to end between the original dancers who Peeled Off. Sets In Motion Plus 1 ends with two Lines of 3. Sets In Motion Plus 2 ends in Facing Lines. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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