Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Siamese means 'As Couples or In Tandem'. That is, those who are a Couple work As Couples, and the others work In Tandem to do the given call.

Siamese Touch 1/4
Siamese Touch
Siamese Arm Turn 1/4
Siamese Explode The Wave
Siamese Explode
Siamese Right Pull By

Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is paired with whom within the Siamese unit. From a 1/4 Box (see the left-most diagram below), dancers and are often tricked into thinking they are part of a Tandem unit when in fact they are part of an As Couples unit. Also, the dancers and are often tricked into thinking they are working in a Tandem unit with dancers and (respectively).

Siamese Follow Thru
Siamese Extend
Siamese Arm Turn 1/4

As Couples CONCEPT [A1]: Dancers side-by-side and facing the same direction (i.e., a Couple) work as a single dancer to do the given call.

See also Tandem CONCEPT [C1] and Solid CONCEPT [C2]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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