Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Aus einer 2 x 2.

Leaders Box Circulate twice und 1/4 In (Box Transfer), während Trailers Box Circulate, 1/4 In und Box Circulate.

Endet in einer 2 x 2.

Single Checkmate
Single Checkmate


Cheat: Box Counter Rotate 1/4; Box Circulate. This cheat emphasizes that only the original Leaders can Roll. Some other glossaries list a similar cheat (Box Circulate; Box Counter Rotate 1/4) which makes it seem as if everyone can Roll.

Checkmate The Column [A2] (H.P. Williams 1975): Aus Columns. Die 2 Leaders tanzen ein Circulate 4 Positionen & 1/4 In, während die 2 Trailers Circulate twice, 1/4 In & Circulate tanzen. Normale Columns enden in parallelen Two-Faced Lines.

Siehe auch Single CONCEPT [C3A,C3B,C4]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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