Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Slice anything:
The idea of Slice is to use Step & Slide [A1] as a Tagging call. That is, do a Step & Slide then the Steppers work as Leaders in a Box while the Sliders work as Trailers in a Box to complete the Tagging call.

Slice Your Neighbor:
From a Two-Faced Line, Wave, or applicable Diamond.
Step & Slide; complete a Follow Your Neighbor (i.e., Ends 1/2 Box Circulate & U-Turn Back as Centers Arm Turn 3/4).
A Two-Faced Line ends in a Wave; a Wave ends in a Two-Faced Line; a Diamond ends in a Diamond.


Slice Back:
From a Two-Faced Line or Facing Diamond.
Step & Slide; complete a Scoot Back (i.e., Ends Run toward the center of the 4-dancer formation as Centers Trade & Step Forward).
A Two-Faced Line ends in a Mini-Wave Box; a Facing Diamond ends in a T-Bone Box.


Slice Chain Thru:
From an As Couples Wave.
Step & Slide; complete a Scoot Chain Thru (i.e., Ends Flip toward the handhold, as Centers Swing-Slip-Swing and Extend).
Ends in Parallel Waves.

Slice Your Leader:
From an As Couples Wave. Step & Slide; outsides go toward the handhold, all Your Leader. Ends in Columns. This call can also be done from a Tidal Wave, in which case dancers end on the same spot (crash to R-H) to end in Offset Columns.

also Diagram from LH Tidal Wave!

Slice Reaction|Reactivate|Nuclear Reaction|etc. From an As Couples Wave or a Tidal Wave. Slice Back To A Wave (Step & Slide, Centers Trade as Outsides flip toward the handhold and adjust to form a Couple); complate the given Tagging call.

Slice The Tag: From a Two-Faced Line or Wave. Step & Slide; Centers Step Thru as Ends adjust in end in Single Completed Double Pass Thru. Same as Stable Cross Lockit. Contrary to other 'Tagging calls', no fractions can be used (e.g., no Slice The 3/4 Tag).


Generous Slice Reaction!

Other new call... Bank The Boys/Girls?

What about a Step & Flip version? -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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