Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From applicable 8-dancer formations.

Do the given 4-dancer call with the resulting Centers ending in the far Center positions. The given call must be a call that can be done with four dancers.

To get to the proper ending position, it is always possible to do the call in each group of 4, and then those who end as the centermost 4 dancers do a 'Substitute' with each other, moving away from the dancers with whom they have done the call. To dance this smoothly, the substitution is accomplished at some time during the call. This optimal time (usually toward call completion) varies and is dependent upon the call.


Stretch Recycle ( from Parallel R-H Waves ):

Stretch Recycle

Out-Facing Ends and adjacent dancers normal Recycle as others do a 'long' Recycle
(like a Ferris Wheel) to end in the far Center.
Stretch Recycle ( from L-H Tidal Wave ):

Stretch Recycle

Recycle; Centers Half Sashay. This usage is not common at C1.
Stretch Explode The Wave ( from Parallel R-H Waves ):

Stretch Explode The Wave

Leaders Explode The Wave as Trailers Extend (to a Center Wave) and Explode The Wave.
Stretch Explode The Wave ( from R-H Tidal Wave ):

Stretch Explode The Wave

Explode The Wave; Centers Pass Thru.
Stretch Chase Right ( from Trade By ):

Stretch Chase Right

Chase Right, but original Ends go to the far Center.

The following is a list of calls typically done Stretch at C1:

From Parallel Lines | Waves
1/2 Tag Cycle & Wheel Shakedown
2/3 Recycle Explode The Wave Turn & Deal (R-H Two-Faced Lines)
Ah So Recycle Wheel & Deal (Two-Faced Lines)
From Eight Chain Thru
Flutter Wheel Reverse Flutter Wheel
From Trade By
Chase Right | Left

Stretch Cross Fire ( from As Couples R-H Wave ):

Stretch Cross Fire

Cross Fire & Slither.
Stretch Linear Cycle ( from R-H Tidal Wave ):

Stretch Linear Cycle

Hinge; Leaders Fold; Double Pass Thru; Centers Double Pass Thru; all Right Peel Off.
Stretch Cut The Diamond ( from R-H Point-to-Point Diamonds ):

Stretch Cut The Diamond

Cut The Diamond; As Couples Slither.

Single Stretch CONCEPT [C4]: From 4-dancer formations. Do the given 2-dancer call with the resulting Centers (of the 4-dancer formation) ending in the far center.

Single Stretch Touch 1/4
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