Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From an 8-dancer formation (a 2 x 4 for Stretched Box; a 1 x 8 for Stretched Column | Line | Wave).

Viewing the formation along its long axis, group the dancers into pairs (two adjacent dancers). Each center pair works with the furthest outside pair to do the given call, ending such that the 4 dancers are entirely on that far side.

Stretched Box:

Work with these
dancers but...
  do the call as if
you started here.
Stretched Column | Line | Wave:

Work with these
dancers but...
  do the call as if
you started here.


Stretched Box
Counter Rotate 1/4
Stretched Line Cross Fire
Stretched Wave Recycle
Stretched Column
Dixie Style To A Wave

Traffic patterns:

Contrast the difference between Stretched Box Shakedown and Stretch Shakedown:

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:
Stretched Box Shakedown
Stretch Shakedown

Contrast the difference between Stretched Wave Ah So and Stretch Ah So:

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:
Stretched Wave Ah So
Stretch Ah So

Stretched Diamond | Triangle CONCEPT [C4]: From Twin Diamonds | Triangles. Start the call Interlocked Diamond | Triangle but end on each side.

Stretched Triangle Reshape

See also Stretch CONCEPT [C1]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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