From a Wave. As one movement, Step Thru; resulting Beaus 1/4 Right & Wheel Thru. Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
From a R-H Wave: |
From a L-H Wave: |
The end result of Swap The Wave is the same as if you did a 'rear back' and Swap Around, but the
traffic pattern is different.
Most other definition books give two definitions for Swap The Wave,
depending upon whether the starting formation is a R-H Wave or a L-H Wave.
- From a R-H Wave, Swap The Wave is typically defined as Step Ahead and
original Ends 'Tag Right'.
- From a L-H Wave, Swap The Wave is typically
defined as Centers Turn Thru as Ends Step Thru.
Hint: Those with the right hands toward the Center of the Wave do the 'Tag'.
Reverse Swap The Wave [C2]:
From a Wave.
As one movement, Step Thru; resulting Belles 1/4 Left & Left Wheel Thru.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.
This is the mirror image version of Swap The Wave.
At C4, there are 2 different usages of anything The Wave. -
anything The Wave [C4]:
From a Wave. Do the anything call as if you started from Facing Couples.
Some dancers 'rear-back' and then do the call. For example:
Cross & Turn The Wave, Split Swap The Wave.
This usage of The Wave is rarely used since it is usually awkward to dance.
anything The Wave [C4]:
From Parallel Waves. In Tandem Step Thru; do the anything call.
The anything call is usually a Peel Off movement (Peel Off, Trail Off,
Peel & Trail, etc.) or Cloverleaf movement (Cloverleaf, Cross Cloverleaf).
When the anything call is a Peel Off movement, the word 'Off' is
conventionally omitted; similarly, when the anything call is a
Cloverleaf movement, the word 'leaf' is conventionally omitted. This usage of
The Wave is not related to Swap The Wave.