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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Swing The Fractions [C1]
   (Lester Keddy)
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From Parallel Waves, Facing Diamonds, Thar, Alamo Ring, or other applicable formations. EN: 10
Fra Parallelle Waves, Facing Diamonds, Thar, Alamo Ring, eller andre anvendelige formationer. DK: 10

  1. Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4; EN: 20
    De der kan laver Right Arm Turn 1/4; DK: 20
  2. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; EN: 30
    de der kan laver Left Arm Turn 1/2; DK: 30
  3. those who can Right Arm Turn 3/4; EN: 40
    de der kan laver Right Arm Turn 3/4; DK: 40
  4. those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2; EN: 50
    de der kan laver Left Arm Turn 1/2; DK: 50
  5. those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4. EN: 60
    de der kan laver Right Arm Turn 1/4. DK: 60

Swing The Fractions is a 5-part call. EN: 70
Swing The Fractions er et 5-fraktions kald. DK: 70

Fra Parallel R-H Waves:

Swing The Fractions
1/4 by the Right
1/2 by the Left
3/4 by the Right
1/2 by the Left
1/4 by the Right

  • Start with the R-H, and alternating hands Arm Turn 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 (i.e., 1-2-3-2-1). EN: 80
    Start with the Right Hand - brug skiftevis højre og venstre hånd til Arm Turn 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/2, og 1/4 (dvs. 1-2-3-2-1). DK: 80
  • It is generally accepted that all Arm Turns must be done from Mini-Waves, not from facing dancers. Most callers and dancers believe it is inappropriate to call Swing The Fractions starting from a setup such as an Eight Chain Thru. EN: 90
  • Swing The Fractions is a 'Those Who Can' call. Only those who have the appropriate hand joined can do the next part of the call. EN: 100
    Swing The Fractions er et "Those Who Can" kald. Kun de der har den "rigtige" håndfatning kan lave næste del af kaldet. DK: 100
  • 4/5 Swing The Fractions is commonly called. EN: 110
    4/5 Swing The Fractions er at almindelig brugt kald. DK: 110

Fra Facing Diamonds:

Swing The Fractions
1/4 by the Right
1/2 by the Left
3/4 by the Right
1/2 by the Left
1/4 by the Right

Left Swing The Fractions [C1]:

Start with the Left hand. EN: 120
Start med venstre hånd. DK: 120

Note: Swing The Fractions is a palindrome (i.e., its definition is the same forward or backward [Reverse Order]). EN: 130

Animation for Swing The Fractions

CALLERLAB definition for Swing the Fractions

Choreography for Swing The Fractions

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?
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30-March-2025 15:00:18
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