From Parallel Waves, Facing Diamonds, Thar, Alamo Ring,
or other applicable formations.
- Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4;
- those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2;
- those who can Right Arm Turn 3/4;
- those who can Left Arm Turn 1/2;
- those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4.
Swing The Fractions is a 5-part call.
Start with the R-H, and alternating hands Arm Turn 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4
(i.e., 1-2-3-2-1).
It is generally accepted that all Arm Turns must be done from
Mini-Waves, not from facing dancers. Most callers and dancers believe
it is inappropriate to call Swing The Fractions
starting from a setup such as an Eight Chain Thru.
Swing The Fractions is a 'Those Who Can' call. Only those who
have the appropriate hand joined can do the next part of the call.
4/5 Swing The Fractions is commonly called.
Left Swing The Fractions [C1]: Start with the Left hand.
Note: Swing The Fractions is a palindrome (i.e., its definition is the
same forward or backward
[Reverse Order]).