Appendix B of the
Ceder Chest of C3.
The material is copyrighted, so please treat it accordingly.
 | Tagging Calls | |
A Tagging Call as a call wherein a part of the call (usually the last part) feels like a Double Pass Thru.
The caller can stop the tagging action at any of the fractional Tag formations: 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4.
Several tagging calls include the word 'Tag' in their name.
Tagging Calls:
Chase The (fraction) Tag [C3B]
(Author unknown):
From Back-to-Back Couples. Belles Right-face U-Turn Back as
Beaus Fold; all Extend to the given fractional Tag formation.
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.
Circle The (fraction) Tag [C4]
(Vic Ceder 1990):
From Facing Couples. Circle Left 1/4; Beaus 1/2 Walk as Belles 1/2 Dodge
(this is Circle The 1/4 Tag); Extend to the given fractional Tag formation.
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.
Cross Flip The Line (fraction) [C3B]
(Ron Schneider 1973):
From a Two-Faced Line. As one movement, Centers
Cross Run and all Any Shoulder Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation.
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.
Cross Loop & (fraction) Tag [C3B]
(Emanuel Duming 1972):
From a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples.
Leaders Trail off, Roll, and step forward as Trailers follow (Trail The Deal);
Extend to the given fractional Tag position. If no fraction is given,
complete a full Tag The Line. If starting from Tandem Couples, pass left-shoulders for the
Trail Off movement.
Dixie (fraction) Tag [C4]
(Vic Ceder 2006):
From Facing Couples or Single Double Pass Thru formation.
From Facing Couples, put the Belle in the lead.
Centers Right Pull By; all Left Touch (this is the 1/2 tag position);
Extend to the given fractional tag position.
If no fraction is given, complete a full tag the line.
Dixie Tag starts like a Vertical Tag The Line, but finishes
in a left-handed formation.
Double Pass Thru [Basic]
(Madelline Allen 1956).
Flip The Line (fraction) [C1]
(Jack Lasry 1973):
From a Wave. As one movement, Centers Run and all Any Shoulder
Tag The Line to the given fractional Tag formation.
If no fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.
Invert The Column [C2]
(Ed Foote & Russ McGowan 1974):
The first n dancers (those corresponding to the given fraction. E.g., from Parallel Columns of 4,
n=1 for 1/4; 2 for 1/2; 3 for 3/4; 4 for full), as a Tandem unit of n, Peel Off to end in
Concentric Columns of n as the Trailing dancers Extend (using Circulates) to join hands creating a
compact symmetric formation. Invert The Column is not a true
Tagging call since there is no Zero Tag position or 1/4 Tag position.
Invert The (fraction) Tag [C4]
(Vic Ceder):
From Mini-Wave Columns. First Two Tandem U-Turn Back by turning away from the
center of the set; all Extend to the given fractional Tag position,
passing the shoulder that causes to First Two to move outside of the Last Two.
That is, from a R-H Column, pass left shoulders, and vice versa. Invert The 1/2 Tag
is the same as 1/2 Invert The Column.
Loop & (fraction) Tag [C3B]
(Emanuel Duming 1972):
From a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples.
Leaders Peel off, Roll, and step forward as Trailers follow (Peel The Deal);
Extend to the given fractional Tag position. If no fraction is given,
complete a full Tag The Line.
Pass & Roll [A2]
(Lee Kopman 1972):
Pass & Roll is not really a tagging call, but it is sometimes used that way.
(e.g., Pass & Roll Your Neighbor, Pass & Roll Your Leader,
Pass & Roll Chain Thru). The "1/2 Tag position" is after all Pass Thru;
Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-Face U-Turn Back; all Touch.
Snap The (fraction) Tag [C4]
(Lee Kopman 1974):
From a Line. Partner Tag; Outsides Right-face U-Turn Back;
all Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. If no
fraction is given, complete a full Tag The Line.
(fraction) Tag The Line [Mainstream]
(Will Orlich 1969):
From a Line. Individually Turn
1/4 Toward the Center of the Line; Extend to the given fractional Tag formation. If no
fraction is given, Extend to the full Tag position.
Tag The Star (fraction) [C4]
(Bill Hamilton 1971):
From Facing Couples.
1/2 Reverse Swap Around; Diamond Counter Rotate 1/2;
Points Roll (this is Tag The Star 1/4); Extend to
the given fractional Tag formation. If no fraction is
given, complete a full Tag The Line.
Track n [C3B]
(Dick Bayer and Gus Greene 1976):
From a Completed Double
Pass Thru formation. Tandem Partner Trade; Extend n times
(where 0 <= n <= 4).
Vertical (fraction) Tag (The Line) [C1]
(Lee Kopman 1974):
From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2.
Vertical; Extend to the given fractional Tag formation.
Prefixes for Tagging Calls:
Reflected [C3B]
(Clark Baker 1984):
From various formations.
Do the any Tagging call (or any variation of a Tagging call) to the
1/2 Tag position; Tandem Arm Turn 1/4 (i.e., Split Counter Rotate 1/4); complete the given call.
Revert [C4]
(Author unknown):
From various formations.
Do the any Tagging call (or any variation of a Tagging call)
to the 1/2 Tag position; Arm Turn 3/4; complete the given call.
When a Tagging call is used with one of the suffixes listed below,
the part of the call name shown in
bold-face type indicates what would
be used (i.e., the italicized part is conventionally omitted).
Suffixes for Tagging Calls:
(some C4 calls have been omitted)
any Tagging call & Scatter [C3B]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call
to the 1/2 Tag position; Scatter Scoot. Ends in Parallel Waves.
any Tagging call & Spin direction [C4]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call
to the 3/4 Tag position; Centers Arm Turn 3/4 as the Outsides individually Turn 1/4
toward the given direction.
any Tagging call Back (To A Wave) [C1]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Back.
any Tagging call Back & Dodge [C4]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot & Dodge.
any Tagging call Chain Thru [C3A]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Chain Thru.
any Tagging caller's Delight | Dilemma [C3A]
(Lee Kopman 1971):
Do the any Tagging call to the 3/4 Tag position; Delight | Dilemma.
any Tagging call Eroo [C4]
(author unknown):
Do the any Tagging call to the 3/4 Tag position; Centers Cast Off 3/4
as Outsides 1/4 To The Handhold & Circulate. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
any Tagging call (Cross) Nuclear Reaction [C3B]
(Lee Kopman 1988):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Back, Centers To A Wave;
(Cross) Nuclear Reaction.
any Tagging call (Cross) Reaction [C3A]:
(Norm Poisson):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position;
Scoot Back, Centers To A Wave; (Cross) Chain Reaction.
any Tagging call (Cross) Reactivate [C3B]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Scoot Back, Centers To A Wave;
(Cross) Reactivate.
any Tagging call The Top [C3B]
(Bob Kennedy 1971 (Tag The Top)):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; 1/2 Circulate;
Center Wave Spin The Top as the Others Trade. Ends in a Tidal Wave.
any Tagging call To A Diamond [C4]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; 1/2 Split | Box Circulate.
any Tagging call Your Criss Cross Neighbor [C4]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position;
Criss Cross Your Neighbor.
any Tagging call Your Cross Neighbor [C4]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position;
Cross Your Neighbor.
any Tagging call Your Neighbor [C2]:
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position;
Follow Your Neighhbor.
any Tagging call Your Leader [C3A]:
(Lee Kopman 1974 and Nonie Moglia 1976):
Do the any Tagging call to the 1/2 Tag position; Follow Your Leader.
any Tagging call In | Out | Right | Left [Mainstream]:
After completing the any Tagging call, turn 1/4 in place toward the
given direction.