Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

A Tandem unit consists of one dancer immediately behind another. Both dancers must be facing the same direction. The two dancers work together as if they were a single dancer to do the given call. Tandem is similar to As Couples [A1], but instead of being side-by-side, the dancers are front-to-back. EN: 10
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Tandem dancers EN: 15

Tandem Touch 1/4
 Tandem Touch
 Tandem Arm Turn 1/4
Tandem Spin The Top
 Tandem Arm Turn 1/2
 Tandem Fan The Top

Dancing hints: EN: 20
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Tandem of 3 (or 4): A one-faced Column of 3 (or 4) dancers work as a unit. EN: 70
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As Couples CONCEPT [A1]:
Dancers side-by-side and facing the same direction (i.e., a Couple) work as a single dancer to do the given call. EN: 31

次も見てください Siamese CONCEPT [C1]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.