Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

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From a normal Squared Set (or everyone turning opposite sex by the Left).

Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain proceeds as follows:

Ends in a Squared Set, everyone paired with original Partner.

DIAGRAM THE HEAD LADIES' PART ONLY (with the Men) at key points in the call. (with "around beat #N" as part of caption)


Suggested teaching method:

  1. Have the Side Ladies step out of the square and show the Head Ladies' part to the other 6 dancers.
  2. Then have the Head Ladies step out and show the Side Ladies' part to the other 6 dancers.
  3. Then put everyone in the square and do the call together.
  4. Finally put on the music and try it for real!

Side Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain:
Side ladies do the Head ladies' part, and vice-versa.

All Four Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain:
All four ladies do the Head ladies' part. That is:
  1. Four Ladies R-H Star 3/4;
  2. L-H turn corner;
  3. R-H turn new corner;
  4. to center L-H Star 1 & 1/4;
  5. R-H turn new corner;
  6. L-H to original partner for Courtesy Turn.

Head Men Center for a Teacup Chain:

From a Half-Sashayed Squared Set, or from all turning partners by the left, the Men do the Ladies' part and vice-versa.
This is typically used only as a gimmick.

Beer Mug Chain:

Teacup Like A Daisy:

LOOK AT JAY KING FOR OTHER VARIATIONS -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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