From Parallel Waves.
Tandem Step Thru; do the anything call.
The anything call is usually a Peel Off movement
(Peel Off,
Trail Off,
Peel & Trail,
or Cloverleaf movement
Cross Cloverleaf).
When the anything call is a Peel Off movement, the word 'Off'
is conventionally omitted; similarly, when the anything call
is a Cloverleaf movement, the word 'leaf' is conventionally omitted.
In our opinion, anything The Wave is a poorly
named call and should probably be a prefix instead of a suffix. Since
the first movement is to Tandem Step Thru and the second movement is
to do the anything call, you must therefore wait and listen
for the entire call before moving (e.g.,
'Revolve To A Wave Like A
Recoil The Wave').
For calls such as these the caller can help the dancers by prefacing the entire phrase with the word 'Delay'.
There is another use of anything The Wave which is
occasionally used at C4. From a Wave: do the anything call as
if you started from Facing Couples. Some dancers 'rear-back' and then
do the call. For example:
anything Single The Wave [C4]:
From a Wave.
Step Thru; do the anything call.
The anything call should be a 4 (or fewer) dancer call,
working with the dancers who were in your wave.