Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From Parallel Lines or a Generalized Thar.

  1. Trade The Deucey;
  2. Centers Hinge;
  3. Diamond Circulate;
  4. Centers Hinge.

Parallel Lines end in Parallel Lines.

Trade The Diamond is a 4-part call.

Trade The Diamond
Trade The Deucey
Centers Hinge
Diamond Circulate
Centers Hinge

Note: sometimes the Diamond Circulate brings dancers to the same spot (e.g., Trade The Diamond starting from Back-to-Back Lines). In this case, the dancers step to R-H and continue executing the call.

Criss Cross The Diamond [C4]: Z formace Parallel Waves. Criss Cross The Deucey; Centers Hinge; Diamond Circulate; Centers Hinge. Končí v Parallel Waves.

Viz také Trade The Deucey [C3A]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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