Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a 1/4 Box, Mini-Wave Columns, or other applicable formations.

The six who can diagonally Pull By using outside hands.

A 1/4 Box ends in Mini-Wave Columns; Mini-Wave Columns end in a 3/4 Box.

Triple Cross
Again, from here
Triple Cross...

Note: The dancer's verbal response to Triple Cross is 'Bang-Bang-Bang' said with the cadence of the syllables in the words Triple Cross.

Double Cross [A2V]: From applicable Columns of 3. The four who can diagonally Pull By using outside hands. Some callers believe this call is poorly named, and prefer to call it as 'Center 6 (or Columns of 3) Triple Cross'.

Double Cross

anything & Cross [A1] (Jerry Haag 1983): From applicable formations. Do the anything call (which must end in an applicable 2 x 2); Trailers diagonally Pull By using outside hands.

Grand Cross Back [C2]: From Columns or other applicable formations. Out-Facing Ends U-Turn Back as the others diagonally Pull By using outside hands. Columns end in opposite-handed Columns. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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