2 つのもっとも一般的な Triple Diamonds を以下に示します.
Triple Diamonds:
Triple Diamonds は Triple Boxes [C1] と Triple Columns | Lines | Waves [C1] と同じような使われ方です. Triple Boxes [C1] と Triple Columns | Lines | Waves [C1].
Triple Diamond calls are (4 or less)-dancer calls, requiring you to work only with the dancers in your Diamond. For historical reasons, some callers use 8-dancer calls such as Diamond Chain Thru. In this case, each dancer must select one of the other Diamonds to work with. This is accomplished by selecting the Diamond nearest you or, if you are equidistant from both Diamonds, select the Diamond you are facing. In today's nomenclature, the use of 8-dancer calls from Triple Diamonds should be given as 'Triple Diamonds Working Together...'
Triple "Z" CONCEPT [C4]: 3 つの並んだ "Z" formations です.
Triple "Z"s
次も見てください Triple formations Working direction CONCEPT [C3B].