Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

Triple formations Working direction is a precise way to state how to do some 12-Matrix calls.

This concept allows for 8-dancer calls to be done from Triple formations such as Triple Boxes | Columns | Diamonds | Lines | Waves. Normally from these formations we are limited to 4-dancer (or fewer) calls, since each sub-formation (Box, Column, Diamond, Line, or Wave) contains only four spots.

On Triple formations Working direction, each dancer selects a subset of eight (out of 12) spots in which to work. The dancers within the outside Triple formations must always select to work within the four spots in their Triple formation and the four spots in the center Triple formation. The dancers in the center Triple formation work with the four spots in their Triple formation and the four spots in the outside Triple formation which is toward the given direction. If the direction is forward, the Center dancers work with the outside Triple formation which they are facing. If the direction is backward, they work with the outside Triple formation which is behind them. If the direction is Right (or Left), they work with the outside Triple formation which is toward their Right (or Left). If the direction is Together, they work with the outside Triple formation that is closest to them. If the direction is Apart, they work with the Triple formation that is furthest from them.

Upon completion of the call, merge the two 8-spot formations into one 12-spot formation by overlapping the resulting formations by 50% (i.e., since there are 12 spots at the beginning of the call and there must be 12 spots at the end of the call).

Triple Lines Working Forward Link Up:


In the above example, the two 8-spot formations are:

upper 2 x 4
  upper 2 x 4
lower 2 x 4
  lower 2 x 4
Triple Lines Working Backward Vertical Tag The Line:


In the above example, the two 8-spot formations are:

leftmost 2 x 4
  leftmost 2 x 4
rightmost 2 x 4
  rightmost 2 x 4
Triple Boxes Working Left Regroup:

Triple Boxes
Working Left Regroup
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