Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
From Columns. EN: 10
Z formace Columns. CZ: 10

#1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In) as others 1/2 Circulate and Trade; in the new Center Columns #1 dancer Transfer (Trail Off & Roll) as the others 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; all Extend. EN: 20
Tanečník #1 Transfer (Trail Off, Circulate, 1/4 In), ostatní 1/2 Circulate and Trade; v nové Center Columns první tanečník Transfer (Trail Off & Roll), ostatní 1/2 Circulate and Hinge; všichni Extend. CZ: 20

Ends in Parallel Waves. EN: 30
Končí v Parallel Waves. CZ: 30

Triple Play (
from EN: 40
z formace CZ: 40
R-H Columns):

Triple Play
#1 Transfer as
Others 1/2 Circulate & Trade EN: 50
#1 Transfer,
ostatní 1/2 Circulate & Trade CZ: 50
new #1 Transfer as
Others 1/2 Circulate & Hinge EN: 60
nový #1 Transfer,
ostatní 1/2 Circulate & Hinge CZ: 60
Magic (Column) Triple Play:

Magic Triple Play
#1 Transfer as
Others 1/2 Magic Column Circulate & Trade EN: 70
#1 Transfer,
ostatní 1/2 Magic Column Circulate & Trade CZ: 70
new #1 Transfer as
Others 1/2 Magic Column Circulate & Hinge EN: 80
nový #1 Transfer,
ostatní 1/2 Magic Column Circulate & Hinge CZ: 80

Note: the dancer's verbal response to Triple Play is 'Hey, hey, hey!!' EN: 90
Poznámka: verbální reakce tanečníků při Triple Play je 'Hey, hey, hey!!' CZ: 90

Triple Play But anything [C3AV]:
Replace the Centers Hinge and all Extend with the Centers doing the anything call. EN: 177
Část Centers Hinge a všichni Extend nahraďte tím, že Centers udělají figuru anythingCZ: 177

Double Play [NOL]:
is a Triple Play from Columns of 3. #1 Transfer as Others 1/2 Circulate & Trade; Center 4 do a Leaders Transfer as Trailers Extend and Hinge; Very Centers 'Extend' to end between the Outsides. Ends in Parallel Inverted Lines of 3. I personally prefer to call this as Center 6 Triple PlayEN: 178
je Triple Play z formace Columns of 3. #1 Transfer, ostatní 1/2 Circulate & Trade; Center 4 dělají Leaders Transfer, Trailers Extend and Hinge; Very Centers 'Extend' a skončí mezi Outsides. Končí v Parallel Inverted Lines of 3. Já osobně tuto verzi raději calleruju jako Center 6 Triple PlayCZ: 178

Triple Play Reaction [C3A]:
Triple Play, Centers hold the Wave; all Chain ReactionEN: 179
Triple Play, Centers zůstanou ve Wave; všichni Chain ReactionCZ: 179 -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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