Turn & Deal has historically been fractionalized into thirds
(mantra: Turn, Step, Turn). Today, however, it is rare that a caller
would fractionalize
Turn & Deal since a 2/3 Turn & Deal
is the same as a 1/2 Tag. However, at the upper levels, there are calls
that contain
Turn & Deal as part of their definition
Mini-Busy [A2])
that are occasionally fractionalized.
EN: 120 Figura
Turn & Deal byla hisotricky dělena na tři části
(mantra: Turn, Step, Turn), ale dnes se zřídka stane, že by caller figuru takto dělil, protože 2/3 Turn & Deal
je to samé co 1/2 Tag, nicméně na vyšších levelech jsou figury, které obsahují
Turn & Deal jako součást své definice
Mini-Busy [A2]),
a tyto figury jsou občas fragmentované.
CZ: 120