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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Two-Faced CONCEPT [C3B]
   (author unknown)

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From various formations. EN: 10
様々な formation から. JP: 10

Replace each Arm Turn 1/2 (i.e., Swing or Slip) with a Partner Trade and do the given call. (E.g., Two-Faced Spin The Top would start from a Two-Faced Line and would be a Partner Trade; Fan The Top.) EN: 20
各々の Arm Turn 1/2 (すなわち, Swing または Slip) を Partner Trade で replace して, 与えられたコールを行います. (例えば, Two-Faced Spin The Top は Two-Faced Line から始め, Partner Trade をして; Fan The Top となります.) JP: 20

Here is a partial list of calls that might be done Two-Faced at C3B: EN: 30
次は, C3B で Two-Faced が使われるコールのリストの一部です: JP: 30

Alter & Circulate Alter The Wave Change The Centers | Wave
Delight | Dilemma Peel Chain Thru Relay The Deucey
Relay The Shadow Relay The Top Reverse The Top
Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears Spin Chain The Gears Spin Chain The Line
Spin Chain Thru Spin The Top Spin The Windmill
Swing & Circle Swing & Mix Swing Chain Thru

Two-Faced Spin The Top:

Two-Faced Spin The Top
 Partner Trade
 Fan The Top

  • Calls that normally start with the right hand (such as Swing Thru) become Any Hand calls. EN: 40
    普通右手から始めるコール (例えば Swing Thru) では, Any Hand call となります. JP: 40
  • Cast Off 3/4 often becomes a 'Push Cast.' EN: 50
    Cast Off 3/4 は, しばしば 'Push Cast' となります. JP: 50
  • The given call does not have to begin with an Arm Turn 1/2 (e.g., Two-Faced Reverse The Top). EN: 60
    Arm Turn 1/2 で始まるコールである必要はありません (例えば, Two-Faced Reverse The Top). JP: 60
  • In calls which involve a Star (e.g., Relay The Top), the Star often becomes a facing Star (or Diamond). Do one Star Circulate (facing Diamond Circulate) for each 1/4 Turn of the Star. EN: 70
    Star があるコール (例えば, Relay The Top) では, Star は, しばしば facing Star (または Diamond) となります. 各々の Star で 1/4 回ることを, 1 回の Star Circulate (facing Diamond Circulate) で行います. JP: 70
  • Two-Faced does not mean that the starting formation must consist entirely of Couples. It simply means that somewhere in the given call someone will have to Replace an Arm Turn 1/2 with a Partner Trade. For example, from a 3 & 1 Tidal setup, on a Two-Faced Spin Chain The Line, some dancers would start with a normal Arm Turn 1/2. Our point is that the caller can say 'Two-Faced anything' instead of 'Some Work Two-Faced, all anything'. EN: 80
    Two-Faced では, 始めの formation が全てカップルになっている必要はありません. 単に, コールのどこかで, 誰かが Arm Turn 1/2 を Partner Trade で replace するということだけです. 例えば, 3 & 1 Tidal setup からの, Two-Faced Spin Chain The Line では, ある人は普通の Arm Turn 1/2 で始めます. 私達の主張は, コーラーは 'Some Work Two-Faced, all anything' でなく, 'Two-Faced anything' と言えるということです. JP: 80

Choreography for Two-Faced CONCEPT

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21-March-2025 10:05:33
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