Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

A Twosome consists of two dancers working as a unit and obeying the following set of rules:

  1. Throughout the given call, dancers retain their geographical orientation in the square with respect to the other dancer in their Twosome unit. This means that a dancer who started on the north side of their Twosome unit must always remain on the north side throughout the entire call.
  2. The two dancers in the Twosome unit are working as if they are one dancer. Therefore, as with concepts such as Tandem, As Couples, or Solid, never allow any other dancers to come between or break up the Twosome unit. The dancers within the Twosome unit must always be facing the same direction.

The caller will usually designate who is to work as a Twosome by saying Couples Twosome, Tandem Twosome, or Siamese Twosome. If it is unambiguous as to which dancers are paired, the caller may simply say Twosome.

(Siamese) Twosome Ah So

Toto je výchozí formace
pro následující příklady:

Tandem Twosome
Single Wheel

Couples Twosome
Single Wheel

Dancing Hints:

Since all calls can ultimately be broken down into a few simple movements (such as individually turn 1/4 Right|Left, Hinge, etc.), dancers should thoroughly understand how to do the following basic Twosome movements:

{n}-some (or 1 By {n}-some) [C4]: (where n is usually 3 or 4): n dancers, who must be relatively close to each other (having no other dancers between them) and facing toward the same direction, work as a unit following the rules for Twosome.

1 By 3-Some Switch To A Diamond

The above example could also be called as:Inside Triangle work 3-some: all Switch To A Diamond.

Note: Be aware that the term 4-some may sometimes be used in circumstances not related to Twosome. For example, the caller might say 'Each 4-some' to tell the dancers on each side of the set to work together. Another example of this is when some callers use the term 'Interlocked Foursome' when they should use a more explicit term such as 'Interlocked Box'.

Skewsome CONCEPT [C4] (Vic Ceder 1989): Diagonal dancers work as a Twosome.

Dancers in a Skewsome unit:


Boxsome CONCEPT [C4]: A 2 x 2 Matrix of dancers and phantoms work as a 4-some. This concept is used from a 2n x 2m Matrix (usually 2 x 8 or 4 x 4), and is typically called as 'In Your 4 x 4 Matrix: work Boxsome...'

Skewsome | Boxsome Peel & Trail:

Skewsome Peel & Trail

Gruesome Twosome CONCEPT [C4]: Usually from a 2 x 8. Same as Phantom Couples Twosome working in Parallel Waves. Also known as Couples Twosome Phantom Waves. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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