Appendix D of the
Ceder Chest of C3.
The material is copyrighted, so please treat it accordingly.
 | Types of Distortions | |
This appendix shows the differences between several
distortions that can be placed upon the Wave Formation. There are no Phantoms
involved in any of these distortions.
| This is the normalized setup (a Wave formation) for all of the diagrams on this page |
Offset Wave
An Offset Wave is a Wave that has been divided into two pieces with each
piece shifted relative to each other along the dividing line. Usually, the
division is done such that exactly half of the formation is on each side of the
dividing line.
Dancers adjacent to the dividing line should reach backward (as in
above Example 1 or 3) or forward (as in above Example 2) to physically touch
the dancer in the other half of the offset formation (without leaving their
spot). This allows all dancers within the formation to better identify the
| |
| |
| Offset Wave (example 1) | | Offset Wave (example 2) | | Offset Wave (example 3) rarely used. |
Diagonal Wave
A Diagonal Wave is a Wave in which dancers are in a straight line
relative to each other, but their facing directions are off by relative to the line (i.e., if each dancer individually turned
right or left, the resulting formation would be a Line or Wave).
As with an Offset Wave, dancers should reach forward or backward to
physically touch adjacent dancers within their Diagonal Wave.
| |
| Diagonal Wave (example 1) | | Diagonal Wave (example 2) |
Staggered Wave
A Staggered Wave is a Wave in which dancers occupy footprints that
could be reached from a normal Wave after everybody
Press Ahead. Stagger typically refers to a distorted setup in which all dancers are
occupying footprints corresponding to the same-colored squares on a chess board.
| |
| Staggered Wave (example 1) | | Staggered Wave (example 2) |
Bent Wave
A Bent Wave is a Wave that has been divided into two pieces, and the
pieces have been turned so that they are at a
angle to each other.
Usually, the division is done such that exactly half of the formation is on
each side of the dividing line.
| |
| Bent Wave (example 1) | | Bent Wave (example 2) rarely used. |
Disconnected Wave
A Disconnected Wave is a Wave that has been divided into two or more
pieces such that there are gaps (blank space or other dancers) between the
pieces. The gaps must all be in a single linear direction. The four dancers
in the Disconnected Wave work with each other, around the other dancers
or spaces. There are no Phantoms involved!!!
Callers typically need to add extra words in order to identify which dancers
are to work in which Disconnected Wave (e.g., Heads in your Disconnected
Wave; same sex work Disconnected).
| |
| Disconnected Wave (example 1) | | Disconnected Wave (example 2) |
Magic Wave
A Magic Wave is a Wave existing in a
formation in which the
Ends of one Wave work with the Centers of the other Wave. Traffic patterns
usually involve using Stars or movements such as Cross Trail Thru when moving
from the outside to the inside (or vice-versa). By their nature, Magic
Waves always come in pairs.
| |
| Magic Wave (example 1) | | Magic Wave (example 2) |
Distorted Wave
Any other odd-shaped Wave is usually referred to as a Distorted Wave. It
may be necessary for the caller to use extra words in order to identify it.
| |
| Distorted Wave (example 1) | | Distorted Wave (example 2) |