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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Swing & Mix -- [A2] 

 From Facing Couples, a Wave, or an Inverted Line. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run; (new) Centers Trade. A Wave or Facing Couples ends in a Wave; an Inverted Line ends in an Inverted Line. This is a 3-part call.  EN: 13
 向かい合ったカップル, wave, inverted line から, Arm Turn 1/2 - Centers Cross Run - (new) Centers Trade をします. Wave または向かい合ったカップルからは wave で終わり, inverted line からは inverted line で終わります. 3 パートのコールです.  JP: 13
 Aus Facing Couples, einer Wave oder einer Inverted Line. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run; (new) Centers Trade. Einer Wave oder Facing Couples endet in einer Wave; eine Inverted Line endet in einer Inverted Line. Dies ist ein dreiteiliger Call.  DE: 13
 Från Facing Couples, en Wave, eller en Inverted Line. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run; Centers Trade. Detta är ett 3-delars call.  SE: 13
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 Z formace Facing Couples, Wave a Inverted Line. Arm Turn 1/2; Centers Cross Run; (new) Centers Trade. Wave a Facing Couples končí ve Wave, Inverted Line končí v Inverted Line. Tato figura má tři části.  CZ: 13
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1114 Swing & Mix [A2]
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13-March-2025 22:17:44
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