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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Wheel And anything -- [C1] 
Ceder Chest Definition of Wheel And anything   view (admin)

 From applicable formations with one or more Out-Facing Couples not directly looking at any other dancers. Out-Facing Couples (Step Ahead if necessary, and) Promenade 1/4 on the outside (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). The Others (move in to the center if necessary, and) do the anything call.
 Aus passenden Formationen mit einem oder mehreren Out-Facing Couples, welche keine anderen Tänzer direkt anschauen. Out-Facing Couples tanzen (Step Ahead, falls erforderlich, und) Promenade 1/4 auf der Außenseite (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). Die Anderen (gehen, falls erforderlich, in die Mitte und) tanzen den anything Call.
 Från tillämpliga formationer med ett eller fler Out-Facing Couple som inte direkt tittar på några andra dansare. Out-Facing Couples (Step Ahead om nödvändigt och) Promenade 1/4 på utsidan. (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). De andra (går om nödvändigt in i mitten och) gör anything callet.
 Z vhodných formací, ve kterých je jeden nebo více Out-Facing Couples, které na nikoho přímo nekoukají. Out-Facing Couples (nejrpve Step Ahead, pokud je potřeba, a ) vně kruhu Promenade 1/4 (As Couples 1/4 Left; Counter Rotate 1/4; As Couples 1/4 In). Ostatní (move in blíže ke středu, pokud je potřeba, a) provedou anything.
1283 Wheel And (anything) [C1]
854 Reverse Wheel And (anything) [C1]

20-December-2024 10:49:28
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