| From a L-H (or R-H) Two-Faced Line.
Left Cast 1/4 (or 3/4) (to end in Facing Couples); Finish Wheel The Ocean | Sea.
(Ocean: Belles diagonally Right Pull By; Sea: Belles Walk as Beaus Dodge.)
Ends in a Mini-Wave Box. |
| Aus einer L-H (oder R-H) Two-Faced Line.

 Left Cast 1/4 (oder 3/4) (um in Facing Couples zu enden);

 beende Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles tanzen ein diagonales Pull By;

 Sea: Belles Walk, Beaus Dodge).

 Endet in einer Mini-Wave Box. |
| Från en L-H (eller R-H) Two-Faced Line.

 Left Cast 1/4 (eller 3/4) (för att sluta i Facing Couples); Finish

 Wheel The Ocean | Sea. (Ocean: Belles diagonal Right Pull By; Sea: Belles

 Walk medan Beaus Dodge.)

 Slutar i en Mini-Wave Box. |
93 1/4 Wheel The (Ocean|Sea) [C3A] 115 3/4 Wheel The (Ocean|Sea) [C3A]