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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Square The Bases But anything -- [C1] 
author unknown

 Do a Square The Bases but replace the Split Square Thru 2 and the Trade By with the anything call. Be aware that there are some callers who may expect you to do a Trade By after the anything call. In this case, the caller should be more explicit by saying Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anything.  EN: 532
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 Tanze ein Square The Bases aber ersetze das Split Square Thru und das Trade By durch den anything Call. Sei Dir im Klaren darüber, daß es einige Caller gibt, welche erwarten, daß Du nach dem anything Call ein Trade By tanzt. In diesem Fall sollte der Caller etwas genauer sein, indem er sagt: Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anything.  DE: 532
 Gör en Square The Bases men byt ut Split Square Thru 2 och Trade By mot anything callet. Var medveten om att en del caller förväntar sig att du gör en Trade By efter anything callet. I detta fall borde callern mer uttryckligt säga Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anything.  SE: 532
 Lav en Square The Bases men erstat Split Square Thru 2 og Trade By med anything kaldet. Nogle Callere vil måske forvente at der udføres en Trade By efter anything kaldet men her bør de være mere specifikke og eks. sige Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anything.  DK: 532
 Udělejte Square The Bases, ale nahraďte část Split Square Thru 2 and the Trade By figurou anything. Pamatujte na to, že mohou být calleři, co po vás budou chtít po anything ještě udělat Trade By. V takovém případě by měl být caller více explicitní a říct Square The Bases Replace Split Square Thru with anything.  CZ: 532
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1698 (Square The Bases) But (anything) [C1]
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Square The Bases

14-March-2025 05:44:34
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